Blossom Garden


Blossom Garden is a serene celebration of nature's beauty, brought to life through intricate watercolor depictions of flowers. Each piece captures the delicate interplay of color, light, and texture, inviting people into a tranquil garden where every bloom tells its own story. This project also reflects on the fleeting yet vibrant lives of flowers, whose ephemeral existence inspires us by always showing their most beautiful side. Much like flowers, human life is transient but filled with opportunities to impact others, just as flowers provide beauty and sustenance for insects and the ecosystem around them. In their quiet resilience, flowers remind us of the interconnectedness of all life—how even the smallest, most delicate beings contribute to the larger cycle of existence. Their brief but radiant lives can parallel the our human life. I want to encourage everyone to embrace our impermanence and strive to leave behind beauty, love, and growth in the lives we touch.


Windows of Perception


Built and Blooming